
Welcome to the brand spanking new Freeskier.com

Welcome to the brand spanking new Freeskier.com

As ski media, our primary job is to provide you with the best content related to the sport we live for. And while producing and curating the best content in the world is always our number one priority, delivering it to you in the most effective way comes a close second.

Along with our mission to create the most beautiful and well-informed print magazine in skiing, striving to stay ahead of the digital world and staying connected with our reader is a point of pride for us at Freeskier. That’s why we were the first ski magazine on Facebook. The first on Twitter. The first on YouTube. The first on Instagram. The first to leave tips on Foursquare. The first (and only) to release an app dedicated to daily updates instead of just delivering our print mag to your iPad once a month (though we do that, too). And now, we are proud to present our brand-spanking-new website.

At first glance, the new Freeskier.com just looks like another pretty face. (As with basically every website these days, it has a sticky nav with a small logo, for instance.) But upon further investigation, you’ll notice many new features. For one, almost all the content in what most consider “above the fold” is curated by you, the visitor, behind the scenes. This may seem inconsequential, but it’s a fundamental change in how we are showing you content: Popular posts flourish and unpopular posts vanish without a trace. In other words, we give you the content, you decide if it’s worthy.

Plus, we’ve made our video player huge, we’ve made it so you can scroll forever through posts, we’ve added an entirely new snow reporting and weather section, we’ve made the site load roughly five times faster, and, we have many more features we’re rolling out over the next couple months.

Will the new Freeskier.com affect the way you think about skiing? No, the content will do that. Is the new Freeskier.com revolutionary? No, we’ll leave that to Gawker and The Verge. What the new Freeskier.com will do is allow you to access the content we’ve created faster, easier and in a cleaner and more useful way than ever before. We hope it helps you discover something new in skiing every day.

Have thoughts on the new site? We’d love to hear them in the comments below.

Pray for snow,
– Ed

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