It’s not easy to train and stay at the top of your game when there is no snow for miles around. Praxis Skis was fortunate this summer to be able to invest in a ski/wakeboarding boat to assist our athletes in staying in shape. We also stumbled on the future of water skis called wake skis. These non-traditional water skis are far more similar to our powder ski then a slalom water ski. The guys were able to jump, spin, and ski backwards.
A few weeks back we loaded the boat up with some of the most progressive skiers out there, on-board we had Keith O’Meara, Praxis Founder and extreme rider, Drew Tabke, Praxis team rider from Alta, UT, Kevin O’Meara, Praxis team rider out of our own Squaw Valley USA, Josh Daiek of Kirkwood, CA, and our good friend Jason Miller. It was kinda our U.S. Freeskiing Sickbird winners summer training camp, 3, 2008 Sickbird winners all in one place.
We look forward to a great upcoming season and hope that snow falls heavy and deep everywhere!
Praxis Skis