Dear Team Volkl,
We missed you at registration for the VTO this morning, but I’m sure you had more important things to do, like team hot tub sessions and what not. We were busy finishing up the last few things on the checklist, so you can take it easy, no need to work yourself to death to come in 2nd.
Hathaway is out of the hospital and is resting comfortably at his home, just thought you’d like an update on him.
We have found that the double nose grab on a rail is quite elusive, we can completely sympathize with your crusade to stomp it. I’m sure you guys are glad that the weather has cleared up a little bit, as are we. Did you find out secret Road Gap Dumpster jib yet? We hope not, we tried to cover it with the tank camo, but we know how resourceful you are.
Well, hopefully we will see you soon in Stratton, and I am looking forward to seeing Hibbert on the slopestyle course again. But lets knock back a few beers, have some good times and try and make it rain out there.
Hugs and Kisses,
Team Salomon 2.0