Scroll down to watch Sig's winning video.
Click here to watch all the finalist videos.
Click here to watch the honorable mention videos.
Words by Josh Berman
DENVER, CO – We say it every year, but once again the latest round of Superunknown entries pushed us to nothing short of the biggest and longest debate we’ve seen yet. After weeks of watching the 14 finalist’s videos, consulting with our current roster of athletes, filmers, the shipping department, photographers, magazine editors, and previous Superunknown winners, and then watching the vids some more, in addition to sending out a huge congrats to ALL the finalists and honorable mentions, we’re proud to hand this year’s title to Sig Tveit.
Is Sig Super? Is he Unknown?!?! Does he have what it takes to come out this year and log shots? Does he represent what the contest stands for? We wracked our brains and decided that while things certainly weren’t black and white, the answer to all of these questions was undoubtedly “yes.” Back in 2003 when Superunknown started up, pretty much everyone outside of the scope of the upper echelon of pros was more or less “unknown,” and Level 1 came up with the contest as a way to give opportunities to the most talented up-and-coming skiers out there, some of which didn’t necessarily plan on taking the contest path that leads most to the top.
Fast forward to 2011 and things have changed — web clips of the newest triple flip go live before the trick is even landed, and kids most people have never heard of are landing six-figure sponsorship deals with department stores before they’re old enough to drive… the definition of “Unknown” is sure open to debate. With that being said, you may have heard of Sig before. He’s entered the Superunknown contest a couple times now, and partaken in a few well-known events in Europe, but by most accounts he’s off the radar and certainly hasn’t had a chance to really prove himself on the big stage.
In a crop of some of the most impressive entries this contest has seen, Sig’s video stood out from the rest, not necessarily for the biggest and most technical tricks, but for his effortless, smooth style, and his ability to make just about everything he does look good. “I watched this year’s videos with the sound off so I could really focus on the skiing,” commented Freeskier Mag Editor Matt Harvey, “and every trick Sig did, I was just like, damn, I want to see more!”
Hoping that this contest gives everyone the chance to see more of Sig and what he can do, we’re bringing him out to Sun Valley next week to get him the chance to test his mettle with some of the best in the business.
Last year’s Superunknown winner, Logan Imlach had this to say; “Out of all of the entries in this year’s Superunknown, Sig was the one that I could really see meshing with the talent level put forth at the spring park shoots. The kid really has silky smooth style, and has proven that he’s got what it takes. I know that the day he’s told about his win is probably going to be one of the best in his life so far, so I'm really stoked for him!" “Sig is on fire! He should defiantly win the SU VIII!!” added Superunknown VI winner, Niklas Eriksson.
Sig had this to say about his win; “Most kids in Norway dream of becoming a soccer pro in England, and some of them might be really lucky to end up playing the elite series in Norway. For me, this is what it would be for them to get a spot on Machester United… Haha. I have never been among the riders throwing the most technical tricks, so obviously competitions has not really been my thing. I’ve never really dreamt of winning the X-Games and stuff like that. For me it has been a way bigger dream to shoot with a big ski movie company. Level 1 has delivered some of my favorite movies and segments ever, so being able to go to Sun Valley to shoot with them is unreal.”
And to answer the questions that we know are coming- what about the rest of the finalists?!?! While we can’t invite everyone to join our Spring park shoots, Level 1 continues to look to Superunknown to help build our crew for the future- just ask past Finalists that didn’t take the official title, like Ahmet Dadali, Mike Hornbeck, Chris Logan, and most recently last year’s finalists Alex Bellemare and Spencer Millbocker. Hats off and props to everyone in this year’s field, many of which we’re betting money on to blow up over the next few years…
All photos of Sig courtesy of Sverre Hjornevik