There are a couple things to doing an S-rail that make it easier to get every time. Number one is speed. Each time you try it, do it with the same amount of speed so that the amount you have to lean to get the curves right is the same. The faster you go, the more you have to lean into each turn, but if you go too slow, you have to balance too much, so find that happy medium.
The second trick: Skip the first two or three feet of the rail, which sets you up way better for the second curve. Don’t come on to the rail from the front; come on from the side so that you can miss the first couple feet, setting
yourself up for the second curve.
Once you get those first steps dialed, the key is just to treat it like a normal rail. You want to focus on the point at which you switch your weight over to make the second curve. You should be able to feel this point on the rail if you are centered on it. It will just be a natural motion. If not centered, you have to fight for the second curve with your shoulders and weight.
Keep your shoulders going with the curves. If the rail curves left and then right, you want your shoulders to do the same thing that the rail does. If your shoulders face forward too early, your weight will switch too early and you’ll fall off the rail before the end.
If you have followed all these steps, you should be getting to the end of the rail where you can 270-off super easy and impress everyone.