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Trailer: Fostvedt, Mahre and Segal go off the grid in “Tamashii”

Last winter, skiers Karl Fostvedt, Andy Mahre and Anna Segal joined filmmakers Ross Reid and Jasper Newton on a six-week excursion to Japan with the goal of “rediscovering connections lost in our modern world.” According to its Kickstarter page, the film aims to “encourage [people] to unplug and explore the great outdoors with others.” The hour-long flick will be available this fall, and by the looks of the trailer above, the message will be delivered via plenty of epic shredding.

Note: If you’re interested in supporting the film, the filmmakers are currently accepting contributions on the film’s Kickstarter page

Related: Get a sneak peek at some of the footage via Fostvedt’s latest POV edit. 

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