Iceland is known for its cold temps and incredible scenery, yet few ski edits have come from the beautiful country. With all of this in mind, Marcus Caston teamed up with filmers Matt Hardy and Mike Schirf to create this absolutely stunning Icelandic video.
From Marcus:
“There is corn skiing and fjords a lot of places on this earth. So what makes Iceland so special? The island radiates an undeniable energy that’s powerful and intense, and at the same time lighthearted and quirky. The energy nests itself in everything around, especially in its people, and if you have ever met an Icelander you know what I mean. It is not uncommon to be listening to a story about fairies and elves from a 200-pound viking that could rip your head off in a second if he decided to stop being so damn cuddly. Icelanders are the best storytellers in the world, you literally can’t ask for directions without hearing an epic mythical tale. Everything is rooted in legend, and everything is the way it is because of… (insert saga). So what makes Iceland so special to me? All that, and the skiing totally kicks ass!”