High Fives Foundation is a Tahoe-based, national 501.c.3 non-profit organization that supports the dreams of mountain action sports athletes by raising injury prevention awareness while providing resources and inspiration to those who suffer life-altering injuries. Time and time again, High Fives is there to lift up the adventurous souls whose worlds turn upside down on account of things like TBI and SCI. Today, we take a few minutes to acknowledge the hard work of not just the organization, but of its athletes. This is the story of Jason Abraham:
On one of the best powder days of 2015, Jason Abraham, the beloved Tahoe skier and photographer was skiing at Squaw Valley capturing photos of a skilled crew in notorious steeps. After the session, he decided he’d take a run down Main Chute in the Palisades. After dropping into the line he’d scored hundreds of times, Jason picked up speed and came out of the run faster than anticipated. He caught an edge and was flung on his back. The impact resulted in a spinal cord injury causing paralysis from the shoulders down and making him a High Fives Athlete — part of the same population he’d helped photograph and promote for years. QUADRILYZED is the story of Jason’s new version of life as an athlete, as a photographer, as a father.
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