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Gagnier, Ollila, Fostvedt and Wesson duke it out in the finals of the Vars Tournament

The Vars Tournament, at Vars La Forêt Blanche, France, isn’t your average competition. Skiers compete in a terrain park version of the game H-O-R-S-E in basketball; after a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first, competitors perform tricks and, if executed, their opponent must complete the same trick, or else they receive a letter. The first player to spell out the word V-A-R-S loses. In the end, Vincent Gagnier (CAN), Antti Ollila (FIN), Karl Fostvedt (USA) and Will Wesson (USA) met up in the final four. Gagnier would end up besting Ollila in the finals, while Fostvedt would beat Wesson to take third. Check out the highlight videos from the Vars Tournament below.

Vincent Gagnier vs. Antti Ollila:

Karl Fostvedt vs. Will Wesson:

Vincent Gagnier vs. Karl Fostvedt:

Will Wesson vs. Antti Ollila:

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