Survival in Alaska requires you to be skilled in many different aspects of life. Perhaps none are more familiar and better trained in this adaptation than McKenna Peterson. While born in the lower 48—Idaho to be specific— she has become an Alaskan native of sorts. Spending her summers commercial fishing for Alaskan Salmon and her winters in the high peaks tearing up picturesque spines, she has really been trained as a master in two different fields. Yes, it may seem very hard to believe that someone could fully pursue these two lives, but they go more hand in hand than you would think. While fishing may seem distinctly different, McKenna states that it has undoubtably made her a better skier, as her late father predicted and encouraged it would. In 2017, she took over the helm of their family fishing boat and continues to manage the family business with the help of her siblings. McKenna is a true inspiration to anyone looking to make their dreams work. Busting her tail day in and day out, with the goal of descending those magical spines imprinted in her mind, she’s always striving for greatness. McKenna is quite the story teller, so slap that play button and listen as she explains her own story far better than I could.
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