What do you do when plans for a B.C. pow trip fall through and you’re stuck in California? Remind yourself that California is still super rad and go camping in the Sierra Nevada range, as shown by Chris Benchetler, Scotty Smith and Bryan Fox in episode 3 of “Chasing El Niño.”
Titled “The Meltdown,” this episode is far different from number one and two; instead of ripping deep snow and big lines, the crew scales things down with laid-back features—some hand-built and some natural—within close proximity to their sun-bathed campsite. Smith—a snowmobiling madman—steps up and hits everything on his sled, adding some variety to the episode that’s a whole lot of fun to watch. Not to mention, Fox is one hell of a snowboarder, completing a perfect trifecta of snow sports fun.
This is one of the most light-hearted, well-filmed web series we’ve seen as of late, and we’re already antsy for the final episode, which comes out later this month.