What happens when you take a down-to-earth Southern California girl and mix her with the soft, freshy pow-pow and adrenaline of the mountains… you get me, Leita (your best Lange candidate! 😉 )
Originally a California native I was born in Newport Beach. But at a young age, my family and I moved up to Lake Tahoe, NV. There are a lot of things I remember about Tahoe, but without fail, my best memories all stem from my undying love for the mountains and being on snow. It didn’t matter what I was doing during the week; whether it was dance team or school, the one thing that kept me going knowing I’d be able to rip it up the slopes that weekend. With that being said, skiing has been a passion of mine ever since my days on the Heavenly junior team, and it is a feeling I know I will never grow tired of.
While I only lived in Tahoe for six years, even after I moved back to Southern California, my constant desire to be around the snow never faded. If anything, it was strengthened more. Throughout high school I would always plan trips, as I would beg to my family and friends, “Come on guys lets have a ski weekend!” As each autumn began, I would constantly check the webcams and updates of the mountains, and when I saw an inch of snow my bags were instantly packed.
When I began university in Los Angeles, I not only fell in love with the added freedom, but also being that much closer to the mountains, an hour to be exact! At school I found my golden ticket, the ski team. Once again I had that same feeling from when I was a kid, where I could not wait grab my skis and charge the slopes.
I always made sure to avoid scheduling Friday class. So once that clock hit signifying the end of my Thursday classes, my bags were already packed and I was on the road. At times that meant driving through the night, but it was all worth it to make sure I got the most out of my three-day ski weekend. Yes, it is a scenic drive, but it also takes 5 hours. Even still, the drive could be 9 hours and I still would do it all the same. My anticipation always builds as I see the increasing piles of snow the closer I get to the slopes, it’s like the foreplay of skiing.
While on the team I was able to ski every weekend. I participated in our collegiate league, the SCCSC. Last year was my first competing since I was just a little kid, and I surprised myself scoring some podium finishes. I got 2nd place overall in the 2008-2009 SCCSC Women’s Freestyle Skiing Events and 3rd place at the 2009 USCSA Far West Regionals at Diamond Peak in Girl’s Skier Slopestyle.
The magical feeling of being in that crisp, mountain air while charging the steeps and lapping the park always brings me back to my carefree days as a kid. And now that I’m 22, I can enjoy the perks of the lodge bar as well! I love charging it so much that I even got a concussion from popping a jump too hard. I didn’t let it get to me; as once I was cleared, I was back on the mountain the next weekend giving it my all.
Having now just graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree from the Annenberg School of Communication, I am ready for my next challenge. I’ve done the beach, the mountains, the schooling, but skiing will always be the constant in my life.
I’m an outgoing girl with street smarts and skiing skills. I’m just as comfortable in a sleek cocktail dress and heels sipping cosmos, as I am in my oversized jacket, ski pants and boots ripping the slopes with the guys. I’d make an awesome Lange girl because I can ‘walk the walk, and talk the talk.’ If you got it, I can sell it and I’ll have fun with it. If I’m chosen as the next Lange girl I’ll do my absolute best to rep you guys.
Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you all out on the mountain!
Pray for snow!