Yesterday marked a momentous occasion, as the Poor Boyz Productions and Nimbus Independent Tour kicked off with it’s North American premiere of Contrast and Everyday Is A Saturday, at the King Cat Theater in Seattle, WA.
The festivities kicked off with a poster signing at supershop evo Gear, with luminaries like Pep Fujas, Sammy Carlson, Matt Walker, Chris Benchetler to name a few ripping off posters to eager fans. After leaving the Fremont district, the athletes and industry types descended upon the Max Hotel in downtown Seattle for a sushi and cocktail hour. Fish was consumed at an alarming rate, libations were consumed and good times were had. Then at 6:45, the limos started rolling by the Hotel Max to take the VIPs to the King Cat Theater, for a red carpet entrance and interviews.
The entire affair, red carpet and movies were being broadcast live, with emcees Mike Douglas and Jeff Schmuck of newschoolers fame. As athletes mingled and movie-goers settled, the air was electric, as the double feature got underway. First was Nimbus Independent’s movie, Contrast, brainchild of Eric Pollard.
Contrast was a mellower, more soulful and in-depth look into the season of Pollard, Pep Fujas, Andy Mahre, Chris Benchetler, Blake Nyman and friends. Interviews intertwining with the epic pow skiing and freeride action, made for an interesting and behind-the-scenes feel to the movie. All-in-all, the movie as a huge success, with the biggest roars for local resort sections, like Crystal Mtn.
After a brief intermission and some swag giveaways, The PBP crew got their film underway: Everyday Is A Saturday. Fast-paced editing and classic PBP ski porn mixed to create a movie that invaded the crowd’s mind with such force, they almost exploded. Standout segments from newcomer Dane Tudor, Charley Ager, Tim Durtschi, and others with cameos and trip performances by Simon Dumont, TJ Schiller, Tanner Hall and many, many more. This movie is for the ages and not to be missed this year.
With more swag and raffles after the movies, the fans stayed for hours, mingling and partying with the film crews. PBP and Nimbus’ North American premiere definitely did not disappoint and got the tour off to an incredible start.
Check out Poor Boyz for more information regarding the Triple Threat Tour.