Day 4 of the our road trip found us a with a little less driving and more skiing at Aspen Mountain. With a quick break in the storms that have been pounding Colorado lately, the crew had a chance to ride in the sun, and not drive in the worst weather ever.
The day started out a bit chilly, but the crew had to, as Tommy put, “Keep slaying.” Cody and Tommy were powder machines, jumping off of everything. From little pillow to backflipping huge drops to slashes, everyone had an all-time day. But alas, all good things must come to an end. We regretfully packed up our Toyota whips, and drove into the sunset, on our way to Breckenridge for the first stop of the Winter Dew Tour.
And in true road trip fashion, we hit more inclement weather on our drive. Between BNQT’s Aissam getting us lost, driving the wrong direction, and the snow, it took about 4.5 hours to get from Aspen to Breckenridge. But we all have arrived safe and sound. Check back soon for more updates.