While a large portion of the industry is in Copper Village, CO for the US Open, Freeskier and Coors, with the help of a lot of friends, organized a benefit and auction to raise funds for our good friend Riley Poor. Athletes, industry types and friends of Riley all showed up to show their support making donations at the door to the Storm King sushi restaurant and bar right in the heart of Copper Mountain.

DJ Shares was spinning beats all night as the crowd perused the multiple items up for auction. Once the auction got underway, emceed by none other than Luke Van Valin, the items and prices moved fast. Athletes like Simon Dumont, Peter Olenick, Jen Hudak, Angeli Van Laanen and Colby West were among bidders, some taking home fabulous gifts. When the dust finally settled, the auction had become a huge success, raising money for our boy, Riley Poor.
For those of you who might not know, Riley Poor, cinematographer and Nike 6.0 ski team manager, was involved in an accident following the Mount Snow Dew Tour which has resulted in his hospitalization and the threat of lifelong paralysis. Riley has shown nothing but unadulterated love for skiing and the industry that has given so much to all of us.

Visit Riley’s blog to check on his progress and Nike 6.0s site for donation information.
Big thanks to Coors, Copper Mountain, the Storm King Lounge, Scott USA, Empire, and all the athletes, friends and supporters who came out last night and continue to support Riley and his recovery.