This week, Beaverton, OR, or more specifically, the Nike Campus, was invaded by Nike 6.0’s roster of multi-sport athletes, as well as action sports media from around the globe. Outwardly, the annual Nike 6.0 Migration looks like an excuse to come to the campus, and have fun — and it is. But the folks at Nike 6 have another agenda integrated into the week. By bringing the Nike 6.0 family together, with key media outlets, Nike has created an environment that fosters the growth of the company, as well as the athletes.
With everyone’s schedules so hectic and varied throughout the season, Migration is a special week where Nike 6.0’s talented team can comet together and learn from each other. The athletes (roughly 50 of them this year) do everything together and equally, from skating the esoteric Nike SB warehouse to learning about how Nike 6.0 shoes are specifically created for their sports’ needs.
As importantly as educating and gaining feedback from endemic media and the athletes, Nike wants to grow the sports. On Thursday, Nike held a demo on campus, next to Lake Nike, for employees, family and friends to see what 6.0 athletes can do. There was a prime double rail setup for the ski and snowboard athletes, bmx ramps for the bikers, a winch and wake skate setup for the two wake teams a mini ramp for everyone to skate, and a bbq, autographs and drinks for the crowd. The turnout was incredible; oohs and aahs, everywhere as the athletes destroyed their respective setups. It was quite the trememdous sight to behold an action sports demo, capturing the attention of so many people right in the heart of Nike’s campus.
Overall, the week is about learning and growth. Athletes learning about Nike as a brand and it’s heritage. Nike 6 learning about the sports from the athletes. A larger, general audience being subjected to these sports for the first time. There is no doubt that Nike 6.0 is wholly invested in the athletes and their sports, and Migration week is a perfect example of how they can do their part in shaping and committing to action sports.
*Symms is not on Nike 6.0, he was there representing for his ski blog.