Nike 6.0 is pleased to announce the latest addition to the Nike 6.0 Greatest Hits Terrain Park. Thanks to your votes, the SLC Rail Gardens Double Line will be the next feature added to their lineup.
To celebrate, Nike 6.0 is hosting a jam session at Seymour on the 19th of February. Enjoy a BBQ, music, prizes and hours of park-shredding fun. They already have the Red Ledge Dropped in the park, and the Burlington High School Double Set will follow in the weeks to come.
Nike 6.0 Lodge
Check out the poster below for some information on the programming that Nike 6.0 is offering at the Lodge. Don't miss out on video/edit workshops, photography clinics, and the Monday Night Music sessions.
For the latest updates and content, check back regularly to the Nike 6.0 Facebook Page.