Adam and Luke Schrab, along with Timber Ridge Ski Area, LEEs Adventure Sports, Canney’s Water, and Fastenal will be throwing a celebratory rail jam to honor the riders that made it into Warren Miller’s Dynasty of 2009, filmed at Timber Ridge Ski Area. The twins have been building a drop in off their midWarp bus and along with all the Dynasty skiers and boarders, will be hitting Timber Ridge’s favorite: The Battleship Box.
The riders will drop in off the 10′ high bus deck while 400 Watts of music and announcing will fill the area with noise. Included in the list of riders:
Devin Canney
Brandon Canney
Beau Kyle
Bryce Carpenter
Dylan Lundsford (Chicago Ski Dazzle Rail Jam winner!)
Leif Eggert
Phil McMullin
Jonny Haskell
Johnny Kozacki
Tyson New
Mason New
Steven Haskamp
Brad Stratsma
The bus will settle in at Lee’s Adventure Sports on Friday, 11/20. Dynasty T-Shirts will be for sale for $15 and Dynasty athletes will be available for chatting and autographs.
The bus will then travel to the historic State Theater for the Friday night premier at 8 pm.
Saturday morning, Adam and Luke and the athletes will be setting up the mSnow dropin and Battleship box. As usual, the athletes will have a warm-up session and take some hits with midWarp’s prototype electric mWinch! Shhhhhh, this thing is really cool! Then, the celebratory rail jam will go off at 1pm and 4pm with all the athletes showing their stuff.
The bus will then travel to the State Theater for Saturday night’s 8pm showing.
All athletes will be present at Sunday’s showing at 3pm, so if you are in the area, don’t miss your chance to meet the athletes and the historic film segment!
mSnow is midWarp’s new product and we are filled with stoke about this new venue. Professional still and video cameramen will be onsite, so stay tuned for the Dynasty Jam Follow-Up video and photos!