Momentum Ski Camp, Blackcomb Glacier. Upon my arrival to the t-bar, a grinning Josh Bibby informed me that they had constructed the sickest rail setup on the glacier, a very bold claim. As I rode up the t-bar I was greeted to my first glances of one of the burliest S rails I’ve seen. Assembled from 5 separate elements, the multiple curved monstrosity wasn’t your average grease. For several hours, campers, coaches and special guests from other camps sessioned this behemoth, after all, the incentives were quite high. If you somehow managed to grease it, you danced away with a brand new pair of Salomon skis, easy as that. Skiing’s superstars were trying their damnedest to teach this thing a lesson. JD Zicat, Josh Bibby, Steele Spence and Mike Riddle were on a mission, not for the skis, but for the bragging rights. While the superstars attacked this thing from every conceivable speed and angle the only person who can lay claim to slaying this monster was Frank Raymond from Quebec. Onlookers lay stunned as cheers, snowballs and equipment went flying to congratulate the skilled contender. Unfortunately, we were in the midst of a slight downpour and the camera equipment was temporarily seeking shelter from the rain. Thankfully one videographer was braving the elements and has it on a DV tape, footage coming soon. Hang tight.
Shortly after a brief lunch break the campers assembled for a time honored tradition at Momentum on the last day of camp, the pro-comp. This is every campers chance to head out to the lane, strut their stuff and show off the new items that they have added to their bag of tricks. Momentum’s own Josh Bibby was on the mic laying down his brand of commentary while Salomon provided beats courtesy of a dedicated DJ. While Josh doesn’t fancy himself an MC, he did admit to practicing a bit in his off time by watching skiing competitions with the TV on mute. Campers were stoked by his enthusiasm while they attacked every element that Momentum has to offer. The 90 footer at the base of the park was dominated with laid out backflips, screamen-seamen 720’s, super smooth and enormous tail 3’s and in tribute to Bibby’s JOI runs a couple of old-school moves were broken out. While mother nature did her worst by pounding rain, the campers weren’t phased in the least. Nothing could get them down, after all they just completed a session at one of the best ski camps on Earth, what isn’t there to be stoked on? Oh right, going home.
The glacier still has plenty of snow and Momentum Ski Camp has another week and a half of camp sessions continuing until July 29th.