
In Europe with KYA BAMBA!!!

In Europe with KYA BAMBA!!!

What up everyone just wanted to let you all know what is up with my schedule and with the believe tour as well. The North American tour has gone really well and the response we have gotten from the new film has been great and I thank everyone for all your feedback.

Now we have a big premiere party here in Park City on the 25th of October its the last one we have in North America and the world renowned Dancehall DJs from Switzerland named KYA BAMBA will be here to provide some good vibes after the show.

Right after Park City we head off to Europe for a tour over there as well. I will be flying back to Switzerland with KYA BAMBA where we will go on a 12 day tour through Switzerland and Austria. I will return on the 11th of November just in time to start the season.

When I am over there I will keep everyone updated and be postin pics as the trip develops.

I hope everyone out there is getting excited for the season, I know I am we already have a bunch of snow in Utah so its looking like its gonna be another good winter.


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