With movie companies in full swing, holed up in the edit studio at press time, we didn’t have these films on hand to give them real reviews. So here, instead, is the low-down on each movie, straight from producers’ mouths. Whatever the pitch from the producers, one thing is for certain: These will be the biggest, baddest, bestest movies of the year.
Follow Tanner Hall and crew around the world in his latest ski film Believe. Watch Tanner, Seth Morrison, Kye Petersen, Sean Pettit, Callum Pettit, Anthony Boronowski, Ian Provo, Dan Treadway, CR Johnson and more as they take skiing to a level unlike anything you’ve seen before. Believe takes you from sessions in chest-deep, blower pow at Mt. Baker to cat time in Retallack, British Columbia. The journey continues to pick up major speed through Whistler, BC, then on to a massive roadside session in Japan. The crew then mashes the all time dirtiest pillows in Mica and continues north to Haines, Alaska, as Seth Morrison throws a 150-foot double front fl ip to stomp! Believe is the new standard in ski fi lms; don’t get left behind.
Level 1
Six months of skiing action. Lots of snow. Weeks of rain. Sun. Clouds.
Fog. Blue skies. Unforgiving concrete. Untracked landings. Low pressure. High fi ves. Triple kinks. Double grabs. Too much speed. Not
enough gas. Under-rotated. Over-tweaked. A chronological portrayal of the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the ‘06-‘07 season exactly as it happened. Level 1 brings you Realtime. Directed by award winning filmmaker Josh Berman and shot in hi-def across the globe, Realtime captures the season as it unfolds for a crew of the biggest names and best up-and-coming talent in skiing. In a winter quite unlike any other to date, Level 1 throws down a fresh new format with their trademark style, and nothing short of the best cinematography in action sports filmmaking.
Poor Boyz
If you’re a Poor Boyz fan, you’ve probably noticed PBP’s movies follow
a formula: The world’s best riders + sick locations + sick action –
filler = the best ski movie of the year. PBP’s 2007 release, Yeah Dude, follows the Poor Boyz tradition of scintillating action, and sending crews to all points of the globe to capture the year’s best skiing. But when it came time to assemble the pieces, PBP started expanding its repertoire. Once the snow melted, many of Yeah Dude’s athletes and crew members visited the Poor Boyz studios to give candid accounts of their seasons. The result is a much more intimate portrait of the Poor Boyz crew than you’re used to, but without any consequent lulls in the action. Yeah Dude gives you all the skiing action you expect from PBP.
Poor Boyz
Idea is a ski film conceived by three of the most innovative skiers in the world. Andy Mahre, Pep Fujas and Eric Pollard wanted to not only do something different on skis, but to create something different in ski fi lms as well. They linked up with fi lmmaker Eric Iberg to directtheir project as well as two others to fi lm: long time friend and filmer Justin Wiegan and Matt Schwagler, friend and fi lmer of Andy Mahre. The Idea crew is also composed of some of the best photographers and musicians involved in the industry today. Chris Stolz has come in to create a complete original soundtrack for the fi lm along with dancehall artist Cali P who will be contributing two original songs. Idea will be an original, refreshing and timeless look at the sport of skiing through three individual minds.
From industry leader Teton Gravity Research comes a must-have cinematic epic. Shot on 16mm and in hi-def, Lost And Found is the story of the extraordinary season of 2007 as seen through the eyes of
world-class skiers and snowboarders. With global drought persisting and ski resorts closing around the world, athletes are forced to follow the snow, sending them deep into the uncharted north country of
Alaska and Canada. Filmed almost entirely in North America, Lost And Found is a testament to terrain and conditions that only exist in the Western Hemisphere. This film will take you into the vast, unexplored Tordrillo Mountains of Alaska, proving that some of the best big-mountain riding in the world is still completely undiscovered.
Athletes take advantage of the bountiful winter in British Columbia, hit disturbing park features in Aspen and score over-the-head powder
pillows at Skeena Heliskiing. The winter of 2007 was feast or famine; Lost And Found documents the feast.
Global warming is an imminent threat to the world of skiing, one that
every skier should take interest in preventing. Save attempts to raise awareness within the ski industry to this threat and present ways to make a difference. With incredible performances by some of the best skiers around, Save delivers a ski movie with sick action as well as an underlying message about he consequences of global warming.
Rage Films
Making a ski movie is a constant battle of conditions, terrain and
travel. Our season began by driving all over the country chasing down handrails. As it continued, global warming and inconsistent snowfall patterns became our biggest obstacle. This made us quickly learn that we had to be on-call, ready to be any place at any time. From greasing handrails in New York to finding perfect conditions in Alaska, our crew was there at a moment’s notice. It often meant waking up at 6 a.m. and digging for hours to build a jump that wouldn’t be hit until the following day, or being stuck in AK for days on end watching the snow fall, anticipating the moment it clears, only having to negotiate slides, lines and exposures that challenged even our most seasoned riders. In the end we were rewarded with the most technical urban, progressive backcountry and big-mountain lines that has redefined skiing for us… Enjoy.
Matchstick Productions
Seven Sunny Days: Short Stories from a Long Winter is a first-hand account of endless days and nights of staggering snowfall and the ensuing action when the skies finally cleared. Matchstick Productions
proudly brings you the best stories of 2007 in this epic new ski film,
while following the most talented skiers in the world as they search
for deep snow, big kickers and the experience of a lifetime. Starring
Mark Abma, Simon Dumont, Sammy Carlson, Jon Olsson, TJ Schiller, Sarah Burke, Eric Hjorleifson, Colby West, CR Johnson and many, many more, this year’s Matchstick film is not to be missed. There are more double-flips and huge cliffs than you can shake a stick at.