I started skiing when I was two. I attended my first race around four and just skied straight down the hill. Nobody told me to ski AROUND the gates, and that pretty much set the stage for the rest of my life. I sort of just go for it. Make no mistakes, this certainly doesn’t make me an avid “racer” but it does make me up for any sort of on snow adventure.
I should be a Lange girl because I live and breathe the lifestyle. I ski or ride four to five days a week because it’s what makes me truly happy. I wear my snow pants out at night. Whether it’s a powder day at Jay, spring afternoons at Wildcat, casual groomer days with friends, or the hike up to Tucks,I’ll gladly put work off for the opportunity. My new favorite activity is ducking lines. I might just show up to work late in my snow pants, but at this point it is expected. More importantly, I should be a Lange girl because I’m kind of a big deal in Japan. No- just kidding actually. Really though, my passion for the sport translates into a fun, outgoing sort of girl that can talk about skiing all day long. I know the sport, know the passion, and know how to represent a fully deserving brand. Plus I’m an east coast kid. If you can ski the east you just might be able to ski anything 🙂
Cheers and Happy Winter,