It’s been called the greatest unorganized party in skiing. I call it a great reason to wear Bogner and get your drink on at 12,000 feet. And why not throw in a 45 minute hike to the top of Aspen Highlands bowl? After all, this is closing day #1.
In classic Freeskier fashion we picked up hitch hikers to take advantage of the carpool parking at Highlands. This guy was the best we found, sporting the handlebar mustache like a champ.
After a few warm up laps and shots of Jaeger, it was time to do the hike. Strap it in, pack it up and suffer for 45 minutes.
Up top was the party scene straight out of Aspen Extreme. 50+ people drinking, smokin and gearing up for a last day pow run down the bowl. In the end, some great turns were had and many adult beverages were consumed…all in the spirit of Aspen Highlands Closing Day!
Think you missed it, not this year…or not yet at least. The good folks at Aspen are extending the party into April with a re-opening/closing party on April 18-19, and 25-26. Bring your pass from another resort for $19 tickets. Hit it up.