Just when they thought the season was over…it was back on!
A ton of new snow over the past week gave Aspen a second chance at mid-winter skiing. [https://freeskier.com/articles/article.php?article_id=3656 Tons of Powder in Aspen]
Today it was springtime again, minus the dirt patches from a week ago, as the snow was great, the sun was out and the beer (mostly Coors tall-boys) was flowing like wine. As it does in Aspen.
Freeskier and Coors teamed up to promote the last week of the Coors Beer and Gear contest and the locals we’re fully stoked on the free tall-boys and the idea of winning a year’s supply of Coors plus skis and gear from Coors and Freeskier.
Go to [https://community.freeskier.com/contests/coors/ CoorsBearandGear] for more details on how to post your best photos of the season to win the grand prize.