
SCOTT’s Illest Edit Contest Begins

SCOTT’s Illest Edit Contest Begins

SCOTT USA is proud to announce the launch of the SCOTT Illest Edit Contest in association with Freeskier.com and 4bi9 media.

Now is your chance to win Tom Wallisch’s Gear.  How do you do it? Simple.  Head over to freeskier.com/wallisch and upload your best edit. Tom will be choosing his favorite 3 edits, and winners will recieve SCOTT gear. First Place is gonna win P3 skis, Fix Goggles, Team Issue Poles, and Team Issue Hoodie; Second Place wins Fix Goggles, Team Issue Poles, and a Team Issue Hoodie; Third Place will takes home Fix Goggles and a Team Issue Hoodie.  Did we mention the skis and goggles will be autographed by the Pretzelman himself?

Press play below to check out Tom’s Video explaining the contest and his newest edit.  The top 3 edits will also appear as DVD extras 4bi9 Media’s 2010 Movie release hitting store shelves this fall so get out skiing and keep those cameras rolling! You have until midnight on March 31st to turn in your entry so get out there and get filming!

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