Freeskier: What’s up, Pete? How has Momentum been this summer?
Pete Olenick: Nada, just chilling and stuff. Momentum is the best it has ever been. They have the best jump ever and the sun has been shining.
FS: So camp has been successful then? What session are you guys in right now?
PO: We are almost halfway through the third session, and it’s going great. A few campers are learning doubles and its getting crazy. Big night shoot coming up, so that will be sick.
FS: Campers are learning dubs, that’s nuts. Which coach do campers think is hotter, TJ Schiller or Sarah Burke?
PO: Well, most campers are little boys, so i would say TJ. but my vote is for Sarah.
FS: How is the lane looking this year? You mentioned a big jump…
PO: Yeah, the lane is good, tons of rails and a nice learning jump with a soft landing. The diggers have been killing it. And the big jump is sick, it’s like a 75-foot step up, but you can take it like over a hundred, no problem.
FS: So Trennon Paynter and all the diggers have it dialed this year? How much longer does camp go on for up there?
PO: Third session goes until July 15th and then there is an adult mogul camp that runs for another week. But we are trying to get John Smart to keep the big jump open longer so we can session more.
FS: Sounds like another successful summer is almost in the books. Any good stories? Campers being assaulted on the paintball course, etc.
PO: Well, Meg [Olenick] has a bf, so that’s big. And campers always get worked when i play paintball, you know this… Colby and Chug are performing ‘My Friend Is A Pro,’ tomorrow [Friday] night.
FS: Since it’s been sunny, have you guys been taking advantage of the lake up in Whis?
PO: Yeah we have, chug and i have some nice speedos that we have been rocking and just destroying everyone on the volly ball court. That’s what’s up.
FS: You’ve been spending summer in Whistler for a long time, has it gotten old or is it still the place to be for summer skiing?
PO: I stlll think it is the place to be, i have been here for nine summers now, including when I was a camper. There are tons of good coaches and features. Plus there is a real town to hang out in with bunch chicks.
FS: Is there any rivalry between you guys and COC, or is everyone pretty cool up on the glacier?
PO: um i think between the owners there is but you know the sport, we are all friends and we ski eachother lanes on the days of and stuff.
FS: What’s the best thing about Momentum? Something you’d tell a potential camper?
PO: I think that at Momentum is sick because the campers get to have all of the coaches during the week, whereas at COC, you just get one all week. So if you get stuck with Joe Schuster as your coach, you’re bummed out, ya know?
FS: That would be a bummer. I hear that Champion of the Day has made a comeback this summer. How is that going?
PO: It’s going good, except i have only lost, so I have just been the slave, but I can’t wait to get Joe.
FS: Anything else you want to report from the glacier? I hear the lift bears are very hungry this year.
PO: I love skiing, and can’t wait for next winter. And yes, the bears are always hungry, but hopefully not for campers.