You didn’t win best trick, but you ended up winning viewer’s choice, slopestyle and the grand prize. Now you have the opportunity to film with Tom Wallisch for the Good Company project. Have you spoken to Wally, yet?
The day that I found out I won, Tom gave me a call when I landed in the airport. He talked to me about it a little bit. We’re going to have a park shoot at Seven Springs next week, and hit the snowboard Superpark features.
Are you heading straight there from Whistler?
Yeah, I get done with big air on Saturday the 11th and then I fly out the morning of the 12th.
When are you going to have some down time?
After the park shoot I’m going back to Colorado for a second to film a bit more with my buddy Gavin Rudy. Then, I’m packing up my stuff and coming up to Washington and Oregon for the rest of the spring and summer. I’ll pretty much just hang out at Hood.
OK, back to “serious” stuff. You’ve got your social media game on lock; how do you embrace social media for self promotion? Is it just interaction with fans, sponsor stoke or a combination of it all?
It’s definitely a combination of it all. I personally enjoy photos and quality content. My favorite platform to share everything on is definitely Instagram. Some people find Facebook works better as well as Twitter. It’s just a good way to show people what you’re really up to. Social media just works out so nicely for sponsors and for self promotion. Just to tell everyone, “Hey guys this is what’s going on. Check out this really cool photo or video.” Then everyone gets hyped on it and you get feedback from fans and supporters. I can interact a lot more and see what actually people like. I can produce more of that kind of content.
This is a virtual competition; your name has gotten out to the masses, in part, due to online edits, photos, social media, etc… Did that aid you when entering a contest with this format?
I feel like it didn’t hurt it at all. I still have no idea how I got 10,000-plus votes on my edit, I was very shocked by that. I was blown away. Being able to build up a foundation in social media was so helpful. It helped with getting people to check out the videos and get feedback from them. It’s insane how much having a platform to share your stuff helps you to get content out. Having my name build up over the years has definitely helped. Trying to stay in the news and stay relevant is the goal.
You’ve been competing on the AFP World Tour for a while now, but this season, you’re appearing on podiums regularly. What do you attribute that success to?
Yeah, this year I got a coach. I’m working with Mike Hanley and he is very good at what he does.
How, specifically, has that helped?
Myself and most of the contest-level guys usually coached ourselves. Having an actual coach is like having a voice of reason. Sometimes your brain goes all over the place, you don’t know where to go with certain tricks. But they’ll calm you down and be patient, and tell you to focus on take offs and landings. The tiniest things make the biggest difference. It’s definitely worth it to have a coach, I knew I needed one, and he has made a huge difference in my skiing this year.
Any plans for that prize money?
I think I’m going to save it to hopefully go to the Southern Hemisphere this summer and then maybe go on a little break.
Where to from here for Noah Wallace?
I’m just going to keep on traveling the world, skiing and having as much fun as I can.
Good luck and safe travels, my man.
Thanks, dude. Talk soon.
Related: Noah Wallace wins 2015 TNF Park and Pipe Open Series
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