The 1st stop of the Winter Dew Tour was a huge success, and what do you do when everything goes as planned and everyone is stoked from all the hard work? You party.
In true balla fashion, Red Bull threw down a shin dig on Saturday night to close out the 1st stop of the Winter Dew Tour. The guest list was star studded with athletes like Tanner Hall, CR Johnson, Shaun White along with skiing & snowboarding’s elite.
As you can imagine, there was enough Red Bull & vodka to wake the dead and if energy drinks weren’t your thing you could always raise up a 24oz PBR tall-boy. Since we were in Breckenridge (a place where sausage fests run rampant) Red Bull was kind enough to hire some entertainment in the form of scantily clad dancers.
Thanks to the folks at Nikon, we have a little mini-edit from the D90. Nothing special, but you get the idea.
And now what you’re really here to see, the pictures…
T-Hall. Bear attack pose.
Peter Olenick, more sophisticated in glasses? Naaah.
Drinks on drinks.
Henrik Lampert in some moon boots.
Tanner and Bib-Dog.
CR and CJ.
DJ Vajra on the wheels of steel.
Get them dollaz’.
Party status: Official
Take a lesson from Tyler, one hand and two beers. No clipped wing is stopping this party machine.
Special thanks to Dave O’Connell at Red Bull , I can’t wait for the next party at Mount Snow!