
Freeskier’s October Cover Launch Party

Freeskier’s October Cover Launch Party

Words by Nicole Birkhold

Two days ago, the Freeskier offices went through a rigorous cleaning routine and were transformed into the hottest spot to be in Boulder for three hours. We had a DJ, a bar complete with a bartender, flashing lights, Rockband, a smattering of sushi and Simon Dumont. The whole shindig went down in honor of Simon and his breaking the world record this past season at Sunday River. As you may have already seen, the October issue of Freeskier’s cover is a special collector’s edition with the front and back cover being utilized for the Chritian Pondella shot of Simon breaking the record.

We invited all of Simon’s sponsors, his teammates and friends to Boulder for a launch party of the October issue and to congratulate Simon on his amazing achievement. The Salomon crew was here as well as the folks from Target, Red Bull, Sunday River, Nike and a host of Freeskier staffers and friends.

Simon signed blowup versions of his cover for sponsors and magazines and posters for his fans. From the office-turned-club, we moved on to the afterparty at our favorite late-night location, Bacaro on Pearl Street. Champagne flowed, DJ Jon Shares made magic happen on the tables and dance-offs ensued. Not a frown in sight or an empty glass to be seen, the official launch of Simon’s world record breaking cover shot was a success and it was a great kick-off to an insane week of premieres, The Meeting and more open bars than Vegas.

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