
Catching Up With Phil Casabon

Catching Up With Phil Casabon

Phil Casabon is part of a new wave in Freeskiing who is on the cusp of becoming the next big thing. From killing slopestyle at X Games, filming with Level 1 and shooting around the globe, Phil is on the fast track to superstardom. Finding himself with some downtime due to an ankle injury, Phil chats with Freeskier about what’s going on.

Freeskier: Hello Phil, How has your summer been so far?
Phil Casabon: My summer started out great as I was in Hood at DaHoodHouse skiing everyday and having a good time. Then I went to Woodward at Copper for an Orage camp were me, Taylor and TJ were guest coaches and I got one day on hill which was pretty fun and the second day I broke my foot on the tramp to foam pit, so I just been gillin’ since then…

FS: Broke your foot on foam? How was Woodward other than that accident?
PC: Yea, I landed next to the foam ’cause I travelled too much… Woodward is great, probably the funnest place on Earth other than a ski hill, you’ve got everything you need to stay entertained!

FS: And you were up in Hood before that? Filming or coaching?
PC: I suppose to film a little with Level 1 while up there but it didn’t happen. Other than that, I was just going to ski a bunch so I could get better!

FS: You don’t need more training. What’s going on with DaHoodHouse? How did that all shape up?
PC: Well a good part of the future of skiing was in that house. Basically [Nick] Martini came up with the idea to do a website with all our activities to get kids stoked.

FS: Who all is a part of it other than yourself and Martini? I’m going to guess Leskinen and Rory Silva…
PC: Haha, would of been hilarious but no, they are not, there is Mike Hornbeck, Henrik Harlaut, Tom Wallisch, Liam Downey, Steve Stepp, Matt Walker, Anna Borgman and I think Adam Delorme took my spot when I left.

FS: Tough shoes to fill. My editor Matt Harvey says hello. Can you describe him in five words?
PC: Five words building sentence or just five words?

FS: It’s up to you.
PC: Haha, it’s hard for my French intellect but I’ll go with: Happy, curly hair, mother F#&@!#.

FS: Very Descriptive. Sounds about right. Try my French: Que faites-vous pour célébrer la fête du Canada? [What are you doing to celebrate Canada Day?]
PC: Je suis assis dans un divan, écoutant la télévision et répondant à vos questions. [I am sitting in a couch, watching television and answering your questions]

FS: I used a translator. I’m not good at french. No big plans up there?
PC: Haha, not really, here in Quebec we don’t really party on Canada Day since we are still hung over from the St-Jean-Baptiste Day… Quebec’s birthday.

FS: That sounds like a fun time in Canada. Were you stoked on your season this year? Aside from some sissy foam taking you out?
PC: Yeah, I am stoked on my season. My focus was mainly getting my name known and my style recognized by doing edits and filming with Level 1. I think I did a good job, which you will see in Level 1’s next movie, Refresh. Not forgetting the competitions, my main focus was the X Games and I made it up to the 5th spot [slopestyle], which pleased me for this year!

FS: Fifth at your first X Games is more than impressive. What are your goals for next year? More of the same?
PC: Next year I want to do well at X Games and the Dew Tour events. Also keep it going with Level 1… I also have a project going on with Henrik Harlaut and Joakim (Henrik’s JOSS filmer) which I want to work on as hard as I possibly can!

FS: Sounds like a busy season. Will you be healed up in time to head to NZ or South America?
PC: No I’ll still be out… my next time on snow will probably be in October at les diablerets in Switzerland

FS: Ah, well it’ll be nice to have a little break. Video games or movies for a time killer?
PC: Gamer, no doubt

FS: What are the hot new games for kids to check out this summer?
PC: I don’t know anything about it, I play Skate 2. All day, ‘err-day.

FS: Good choice. Any shouts outs you want to make?
PC: Yeah, my family and homies helping me out these days, my sponsors: Orage, Armada, Oakley and Axis. The Level 1 clique, DaHoodHouse and Freeskier for this interview… yessir!

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