Fat-ypus E-Motion ER Skis
The E-Motion E.R. is another versatile charger that will delight the thrill-seeking ladies. Feel like sending it off a cliff? Testers report it “stomps like a champ.” A cruisin’ groomer day tickle your fancy? These skis are “fun carving” and “very sturdy.” Pow day? They “kick butt in the deep stuff.” The E-Motion E.R. will fi t nicely into the choosiest yet most indecisive skier’s life, thanks to its versatile profile. Early rise in the tip and tail and a generous 112mm waist make for prime powder skiing. And while you’re skiing around trying to decide what terrain to hit up next, you’ll notice the traditional camber, a soft fl ex and a lightweight design make these a fabulous anywhere ski.
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The E-Motion E.R. is another versatile charger that will delight the thrill-seeking ladies. Feel like sending it off a cliff? Testers report it “stomps like a champ.” A cruisin’ groomer day tickle your fancy? These skis are “fun carving” and “very sturdy.” Pow day? They “kick butt in the deep stuff.” The E-Motion E.R. will fi t nicely into the choosiest yet most indecisive skier’s life, thanks to its versatile profile. Early rise in the tip and tail and a generous 112mm waist make for prime powder skiing. And while you’re skiing around trying to decide what terrain to hit up next, you’ll notice the traditional camber, a soft fl ex and a lightweight design make these a fabulous anywhere ski.